It feels as if the Tao was talking to us and that everything it says is in a way what we had in mind. There are many out there who probably believe that they are so great that they can actually change the world and make it a better place. “Do you think you can take care of the universe and improve it?” (29) I am not saying it’s impossible, but I do think that if you want to change the universe, first you need to change yourself. “Sometimes breathing is hard, sometimes it comes really easy; sometimes there is strength and sometimes weakness. Sometimes one is up and sometimes down.” (29) Things are not easy, but if you start by changing something small first everything else will be much easier. Yes, there will be some hard times and it will be a process, but "if there is a will there is a way."(Chinese saying)
Tao talks a lot about there being a balance in everything. I agree, because even thought there might be times where we believe there are better things than others we have to remember that the other tings exist because if they didn’t we wouldn’t be able to know how good they really are. “Fame or self: which matters more? Self or wealth: which is more precious? Gain or loss: which is more painful?” (44) Having a balance in life is one of the most important things, because if there is a balance that brings happiness, “all things will be at peace.” (37)
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