Many believe that “God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2: 7) But others consider Darwin´s theory of man evolving from the ape. But who´s right? Normally, I would say I believe in the Bible, but this time it´s completely the opposite.
Everything happened because of Brady, who being completely innocent told the children about the theory, or the belief that some have about apes evolving to what we are now. Many thought that is was wrong for Brady to teach these things, but they have the right to know about it. He should teach the different theories that exist, it´s not like he is making them believe in those things, he is just saying that´s what others believe. It´s up to them to decide if they want to believe in it or not. If they know these things they will be better prepared for the outer world. They should have the opportunity to know about them.
Many didn’t see it as just something to know about, but something to believe. “Man didn’t evolve from the ape, the ape devolved from the man.” The other side is always contradicting itself, and that’s because they don’t really even fully believe in the Bible. It´s not even the way they believe in it, because it doesn’t even seem as if they did, because they only use it as, in a way, an excuse to have some sort of things to make them feel as if they are doing something good. No wonder they are always singing that song about having “an all time religion” it´s something they want but don’t have.
They believe in the Bible in a very literal way and not really on the helping, wise things in it, or the faith it brings. They think that “Everything in the Bible should be taken as it is.” But if the Bible says “He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind." (Proverbs) They will probably see it as if you have troubles at home, then you will become some sort of Wind Lord, when what it really means is that if there are troubles at homes, then we will be left with nothing but the wind, which after all is nothing.
This I really don’t like. The Bible should be there to help people have faith in it, some sort of hope. Faith is the most important thing. How can there be faith if they just believe in every single word they read from the Bible and not the teaching itself? Just believing in it in the literal way will be like wasting their time, because it would mean that they do not believe in what they should believe, but instead they just believe in what they want to believe from what is written in it. “The Bible is a book. It's a good book. But it is not the only book.” Books are read, but they are also there to be interpreted and for each person that reads it to get something from it. The author wants to transmit a message, but most of the time people just get what they wanted to get, and find what they were looking for.
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