This part of Matthew was sad. Jesus is killed in a very cruel and unfair way. Why didn’t he do something to stop him own death if he had saved many others from many other things that they had to go through? Why after making so many miracles to others did he not make a miracle for himself?
The answer or what is mostly believed is because of the love and his purpose of coming here. More than what I had said in my other post, I have decided and understood after continued reading that there was much more to him coming here than to just wanting everyone to follow him, he had a purpose of saving us.
We usually don’t ponder every day why he did that for us, or how big the sacrifice he did actually was, because after all, does it really make a difference? Well, it does. To us he might seem distant, but for his disciples and all the people he had gotten so close with must have felt as if your best friend or at least a very close one died for you. It might have happened a really long time ago, but they believe and the many teachings that he left are still remembered, and even practiced.
One of the most surprising things he said some time before leaving was “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”(Mat 22: 38) If you think about this it kind of makes sense. God has done a lot and the only way we can sort of repay him is by loving him. We are used to loving only with our hearts, this time he asks for us to love him with our souls and our minds. I don’t really know how to do that, but I believe that once there is a point in your life where you actually get really close to God you will be able to love him with all three things, but for now one can only give the most with what one has.
He also says that “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” (Mat 22: 39) This seems even harder to do, and what I understand from it, it doesn’t necessarily mean neighbor, but everyone in general. If we loved everyone as we love ourselves, I think we would first have to think how much that is. We should ask ourselves, do I love myself? It’s a random thing to ask, but it´s reasonable, and everyone’s answers would vary, because if we all really, really loved ourselves we would always eat what’s best, be in shape, sleep enough and do things that we like to please ourselves. No one really does all of them.
What is the point really, if we were able to do them all, then we would be able to have so much love for ourselves that we will have to share it with others and therefore love others as we love ourselves? This sounds selfish. And I think it´s actually the other way around. We should treat others as we want others to treat us. So if we love others, then they will love us.
I don’t really think there has really been anyone that has been able to achieve that level of love, except for Jesus. All the things he said, all the parables he taught, all the people he cured and the huge sacrifice he did were more than just acts so the people would love him, they were things he did for the people to understand how much he loved them, how much he loves us.
Even though he did die, he lived again. I am sure that he didn’t come back for the fact of coming to check on the people, and make sure that they were following what he had said, (it was only three days later). I think that he had come to finish showing the path he had already started to build once he had come. He wanted to show that death wasn’t the end, and that just like him we could someday live again.
Why then would he come back?
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