I liked the ending that Mark had more than Matthews, and I think that was because when I read Matthew I felt really sad for all the suffering that was happening with Jesus and how the disciples where a lone ad everything else. On the other side, while reading Mark, I felt hope.
Jesus knows it´s almost time for him to leave, and when they are having that Last Supper and he tells them “Verily I say unto you, One of you which eateth with me shall betray me.” (Mark 14: 18) it sounds harsh, and it´s sad when we know it was Judas who betrayed him, but you still in a way have faith that it won´t be the end.
At first, when he had resurrected no many believed it was realy him. I don’t judge them, I would have probably done the same. It´s not like we are used to seeing the people again, after seeing them dead three days ago. But after knowing that that was really him there was hope that they would once again be safe and good things will happen around them.
Only it wasn’t really like that. After Jesus showed that he indeed had died and come back, he told them “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16: 15- 16)I think this is what probably gave them hope the most because of all the things he left them to do. When someone leaves, but they tell you to do something, every single time you do it you will think and remember that person. I think that when they did those things they remembered him and had hope that just like they had seen them again after his death, they would also see him again after their own.

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