After all Job had asked and all his hard work and long prayers, God finally answerers him. To me it seemed as if he wasn’t really happy about Job, as if he had already found a new favorite and had forgotten him. He started to day really harsh things, such as “Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.” (Job 38: 3) he also tells him that he should understand that he (Job) is not the one that knows it all and that he should know how to really trust him and other mean things.
I don’t really like this, I had never imagine something like this would actually come out. It’s the complete opposite of what I had expected Gods answer to be, he seemed perfect and loving to me, but after what he told Job it seemed to make me think that sometimes things might not be exactly what they seem.
Maybe after all God is a great being only that he is in a way like us, and therefore also gets mad and has some bad times, if things are that way, then I think I can understand him.
Then, when God isn’t so stressed out, he asks Job what exactly he wants, and what he answered was “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.”(Job 42: 5). And since then, things become much better, God forgives Job´s friends and they are friends with him again. He is greatly blessed with a big family, many animals and other great things. And even though Job had a not-so-good start he was able to live with what he had, not give up and survive to one day be greatly blessed and end his life by living it in a way that many others would have probably dreamed for, because after all, “the LORD had blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning” (Job 41: 12).
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