After reading this story, I was able to learn a lot about early writing and how literature actually started. Gilgamesh was the first book ever written, and I personally think it was a good start. I believe that when writing it has to be nice or good for you to read, something that will help you in a way, but at the same time it’s the feelings and thoughts the person that wrote it wanted to express, and that’s why there are so many different books, and why all of them are unique and really are special and important for those telling their story. Not only is every one of the writers different, but also the world they live in, the beliefs they have and what’s surrounding them. In Gilgamesh´s case, we can see a lot about gods and the strong beliefs they had in them. There is companionship and different trials and adventures they had to go through, unlike the ones we have in our lives, but challenges anyways. I really thought this was going to be much harder to read, but it was really nice to find out how easy and simple it was to understand and at some points actually enjoy the passage. Even thought this book didn’t really have anything extremely amazing or important for humanity to learn from, I really think everyone should read this book and learn how important it has become for us to have a record of the things that happen or whatever we want to preserve, just by writing them. I also feel others should read this book and realize how lucky we are to have writing in our lives and just know how everything happened, the root, the center, what holds everything, and the beginning that would lead to this future, full of wonderful stories, and all thanks to those who wrote those first tablets, and gave them the name of Gilgamesh.
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